
Golden Bomber Band Performs Chibi Maruko-chan Opening Theme

Band members portrayed in new opening animation

Last Sunday's episode of the Chibi Maruko-chan anime unveiled a new version of the opening theme song "Odoru Pompokorin" by the visual kei band Golden Bomber. The new opening animation footage also portrays the band's four members.
Momoko Sakura serialized the original manga that the anime is based on in Shueisha's Ribon magazine from 1986 to 1996. The manga has approximately 32 million copies in print. She launched a four-panel version in a Japanese newspaper in 2007, and she ended that version in 2011.
The Chibi Maruko-chan television anime is consistently the #2 rated anime series after Sazae-san. The first anime series ran from 1990 to 1992, and the ongoing second series premiered in 1995. The 1,000th television anime episode aired in 2012, and the show now has more than 1,100 episodes.
The series celebrated its 25th anniversary last year with both the Eiga Chibi Maruko-chan : Italia kara Kita Shōnen (working English title: Chibi Maruko Chan -A Boy from Italy-) film, and a one-hour television special, which both debuted last December.
The manga has also inspired several live-action specials and television series.


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