
Ray Gigant RPG's N. American, European Release Slated for May 3

Los Angeles-based game company acttil announced on Thursday that it will release Experience's PlayStation Vita dungeon-crawling role-playing game Ray Gigant digitally in North America and Europe on May 3. The PS Vita release will be compatible with PlayStation TV. acttil's release will feature the Japanese audio track with English subtitles.
acttil describes the game:
This adventure is set in the not-too-distant future…
Earth's major cities have been ravaged by giant, terrifying creatures known as Gigants. Across the globe, military forces from every nation attempted to counter the attacks but, to their horror, failed miserably.
In a twist of fate, it was reported that a boy named Ichiya Amakaze defeated a Gigant. The boy defeated the Gigants using a mysterious power called the Yorigami. This victory was short-lived, however. Ichiya lost control of his power and tragically destroyed the city he tried so hard to protect. After this fateful experience, he fell unconscious. Ichiya was then detained and sent to a safe location where his fate would soon unfold…
acctil had released some English screenshots from the game last week. The game originally shipped in Japan last July.


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