
The Heroic Legend of Arslan Anime's Character Illustrations Unveiled

The official website for The Heroic Legend of Arslan television anime series unveiled two new illustrations on Thursday featuring the characters Arslan and Daryun as they appear the second season of the series, Arslan Senki: Fūjin Ranbu (The Heroic Legend of Arslan: Dust Storm Dance).
The second season will premiere in July. The new season will air on Sundays at 5 p.m. on MBS and TBS, which is the "Nichigo" timeslot.
The staff and cast are returning to the new series, but Kyō Yamashita is the new CG director, replacing Daisuke Suzuki, and Tatsuya Shimano is replacing Hiroshi Adachi as the modeling director. Felix Film is replacing SANZIGEN with the 3DCGI. Eir Aoi (Sword Art OnlineFate/Zero) will perform the new season's opening theme song and Kalafina (Madoka Magica, first season of The Heroic Legend of Arslan) will perform the ending theme song.


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