
Japanese Artists Play 'Picture Telephone' for PiTaPa Ad

The game of "telephone" is simple. A group of players sit in a line, the first whispering a sentence into the next player's ear. Each player does the same and the end result is often something wildly different than what was said at the start. The company Surutto KANSAI took a new spin on this concept to promote its PiTaPa ticketing smart card system. The company met with artists, a total of 10, having each one draw the former's illustration from memory after only getting to look at it for a minute.
The original image starts with a few characters standing near a train, bus, and a few shops; all places where the PiTaPa card could be used. This image is filtered through the minds of Masanori MoritaKatsuya Terada, and more until the results includes bears, penguins, and floating toast trains.
  • Original drawing (1): JUNBOw
  • 1st redraw (2): Yoshitake Yamane
  • 2nd redraw (3): Yurie Sekiya
  • 3rd redraw (4): Art director Ryo Fujii
  • 4th redraw (5): Suzy Amakane
  • 5th redraw (6): Game character designer Fukahire
  • 6th redraw (7): Manga artist Masanori Morita (RookiesRokudenashi Blues)
  • 7th redraw (8): Manga artist Kotobuki Shiriagari (Sukiyaki Western Django)
  • 8th redraw (9): Character designer Katsuya Terada (Blood: The Last VampireThe Monkey King)
  • 9th redraw (10): 100% Orange


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