
Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator's PS4/PS3 Release Dates Set

Game developer and publisher Arc System Works and American publisher Aksys Games announced the Japanese and North American release dates for the console versions of the Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- fighting game on Thursday. Arc System Works will release the game on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 in Japan on May 26, while Aksys Games will release the game in North America on June 7.

Arc System Works released Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- in arcades across Japan on August 25. It adds the characters Johnny, Jack O, Jam Kuradoberi, and Kum Haehyun. In addition, Arc System Works held a character vote in October for which character from the series will appear next. The character Dizzy won the poll.

The game contains a new mode designed for beginners called "Stylish Mode." In this mode, players can execute basic combos, special, and Overdrive moves through repeated presses of a single button. The console versions will offer cross-platform multiplayer play between the PS4 and PS3 versions.
Arc System Works released the original Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign- game in Japanese arcades in February 2014. The company then released the game for the Playstation 3 and PlayStation 4 consoles in Japan in December 2014, and publisher Aksys Games released the game in North America later that month. Arc System Works released the game in Europe on June 3.


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